International SymposiumonEmerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information ServicesDecember 18-20, 2008 CALL FOR PAPERS It gives me great pleasure in informing you that Learning Resource Centre, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University, Noida (UP) and Central Library, Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi are jointly organizing an International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS) in technical collaboration with the Society for the Advancement of Library & Information Science (SALIS), Delhi-NCR-Chapter which is going to be held at JIIT University from 18-20 December, 2008 Aims and Objects of SymposiumThe aim of the International Symposium on Emerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS-2008) is to bring researchers, academicians, business community and research scholars on a common platform to share their experiences, innovative ideas and research findings about various aspects of emerging trends and technologies in the field of knowledge resource centres and information services. It also proposes to discuss the practical challenges encountered by them and the solutions found. The major objectives of the symposium are:· To create awareness amongst the LIS professionals on the latest developments in the library and information services;· To find out the emerging technologies for delivering quality and value added services;· To offer an opportunity to put forth innovative ideas, debate some of the innovative ideas and promote closer cooperation and development amongst the information professionals; · To promote libraries and LIS professionals;· To strengthen the academic collaborations and strategic alliances for the development of library and information centres, and· To facilitate interaction with experts in order to bridge the knowledge gap between developing and developed countries.
Theme of the Symposium The theme of the International Symposium is "Emerging Trends and Technologies for Libraries and Information Services" (ETTLIS-2008). It encompasses the following sub-themes:Best Practices in the Global ScenarioInternational Standards and Library SystemsE-LearningInformation LiteracyDigital Content Management SystemEmerging Technologies: Issues and ChallengesRFID and Smart CardStorage DevicesDigital Preservation/ArchivesDigital Libraries and FutureE-Resources Perceptions in Librarianship Role of Librarians in the e-governance eraProfessional Behavior and the changing AttitudesDelivery and Exchange of ServicesEthics and ValuesCustomer Relation ManagementStrategic Partnership Government-Private PartnershipsCorporate-cum-Professional PartnershipsLibrary Consortium's Library NetworksOpen Access and Open SourceOpen Source Software & Library ApplicationsOpen Access for Scholarly Contents SUBMISSION OF PAPERSWorking papers based on practical experience, research findings and case studies are invited from the library and information specialists. The papers will be reviewed by an International Review Committee. The shortlisted papers will be published as a part of the symposium proceeding. The details regarding standards, guidelines and format of papers are given below:The abstracts of the paper proposed to be presented should be divided into sub-headings such as purpose, design/methodology/approach, findings, originality/value/conclusion and keywords in about 500 words. Full papers having abstract, keywords and references on A4 size paper with margin 1.5 cm on all sides in MS Word format in 10 points New Times Roman type single line spacing. The size of the paper may run up to 6 – pages and should not exceed beyond that. It must be enclosed with the details of the author i.e. name of the author, designation, title of the article, abstract, name of the affiliating Institution, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and E-mail address. The contributors will be communicated about the acceptance of the paper by Program Committee to enable them to present their papers. It may be ensured that the proposed paper on theme/sub-themes should not have already been published elsewhere. The editors will have the right to edit the papers before acceptance is communicated.
The working papers may be sent direct to Dr. Sanjay Kataria, Organizing Secretary, ETTLIS-2008, at the address given below.IMPORTANT DATESDeadline for abstract submission July 15, 2008Notification of acceptance August15, 2008Camera Ready Paper September 30, 2008Deadline for early registration October 31, 2008Last date for registration November 15, 2008Symposium December 18-20, 2008SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATION FEE10% discount on early bird registration by October 31, 2008Working Professional (Indian): Rs. 3500/-Retired persons and Students: Rs. 2000/-SAARC Countries: US$ 125Others : US$ 200Symposium registration fee will include Bag, Resource Material, Software's CDs, Select invited papers, Hands on Practice, High Tea, Lunch, Cultural Evening, Participation Certificate and a Group Photograph.Payment Details: The payment should be sent through local cheque/demand draft to be made in favour of "JIIT NOIDA" payable at Noida (UP). The registration form alongwith registration fee should be reached to Symposium Secretariat.For further information, please contact:Dr. Sanjay KatariaOrganizing Secretary, ETTLIS 2008 &Head, Learning Resource CentreJaypee Institute of Information Technology University A-10, Sector -62, Noida (UP) IndiaPh. +91 120-2590851, (M) +91 9810503341Email: ,
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